Gis Day 2024: Mapping Our World

Gis Day 2024: Mapping Our World

Join us on November 13th, 2024, for GIS Day, a global event that celebrates the power of geographic information systems (GIS) technology. This year’s theme, “Mapping Our World,” highlights the vital role GIS plays in understanding and shaping our physical and digital worlds.

GIS is a powerful tool used by professionals in various fields, including geography, engineering, environmental science, urban planning, and public health. GIS allows us to collect, store, analyze, and visualize spatial data, enabling us to make informed decisions about the world around us.

In this article, we will explore the exciting world of GIS, its applications, and how GIS Day 2024 aims to bring people together to appreciate the transformative impact of GIS technology.

Gis Day 2024

GIS Day 2024, a global celebration of geographic information systems (GIS) technology, will be held on November 13th, 2024, under the theme “Mapping Our World.”

  • Theme: Mapping Our World
  • Date: November 13th, 2024
  • Global Event
  • Celebrate GIS Technology
  • Understand and Shape Our World
  • Connect Professionals
  • Inspire Future Geospatial Leaders
  • Promote Geospatial Education
  • Showcase GIS Applications

GIS Day 2024 aims to bring together GIS professionals, educators, students, and enthusiasts to recognize the transformative impact of GIS in various fields and inspire the next generation of geospatial leaders.

Theme: Mapping Our World

The theme for GIS Day 2024, “Mapping Our World,” emphasizes the profound impact of GIS technology in shaping our understanding of the world around us. GIS enables us to collect, store, analyze, and visualize spatial data, providing valuable insights into complex geospatial relationships and patterns.

By creating maps and other visual representations of data, GIS helps us navigate our physical world more effectively, plan and manage resources sustainably, respond to natural disasters and emergencies efficiently, and address global challenges such as climate change and urbanization.

In addition to its practical applications, GIS also plays a crucial role in fostering collaboration and communication among diverse stakeholders. By sharing geospatial data and maps, we can break down silos, promote transparency and accountability, and work together to address common challenges.

GIS Day 2024 aims to showcase the transformative power of GIS in mapping our world and inspire the next generation of geospatial leaders to use this technology to make a positive impact on society.

Whether you are a GIS professional, educator, student, or simply someone interested in understanding the world around you, GIS Day 2024 is an opportunity to learn more about GIS technology, its applications, and how it can be used to address real-world challenges.

Date: November 13th, 2024

GIS Day 2024 will be celebrated on November 13th, 2024, marking the 27th anniversary of this global event dedicated to geographic information systems (GIS) technology.

  • Annual Celebration:

    GIS Day is an annual event held on the Wednesday of the third week of November, providing an opportunity for GIS professionals, educators, and enthusiasts worldwide to come together and celebrate the advancements and applications of GIS technology.

  • Global Recognition:

    GIS Day is recognized in over 100 countries, reflecting the widespread adoption and impact of GIS technology across the globe. It serves as a platform for sharing knowledge, experiences, and best practices among GIS professionals from diverse backgrounds.

  • Educational Outreach:

    GIS Day is an excellent opportunity for educators to introduce students to GIS technology and its vielfältig applications. Through workshops, presentations, and hands-on activities, students can gain valuable insights into the power of GIS in addressing real-world challenges.

  • Public Awareness:

    GIS Day raises awareness about the importance of geospatial information and the role GIS plays in decision-making. By showcasing innovative GIS projects and applications, GIS Day helps the public understand the practical benefits of GIS technology.

Whether you are a seasoned GIS professional or someone new to the field, GIS Day 2024 is an occasion to connect with the global GIS community, learn about the latest developments in GIS technology, and explore the many ways GIS is shaping our world.

Global Event

GIS Day 2024 is a truly global event, celebrated in over 100 countries across the world. This widespread participation reflects the universal appeal and relevance of GIS technology in addressing a diverse range of challenges and opportunities.

The global nature of GIS Day fosters a sense of community among GIS professionals, educators, and enthusiasts worldwide. It provides a platform for sharing knowledge, experiences, and best practices, promoting collaboration and innovation on a global scale.

GIS Day events vary from country to country, reflecting the unique needs and interests of each region. Common activities include workshops, conferences, seminars, webinars, and hands-on demonstrations of GIS technology. These events provide opportunities for GIS professionals to network, learn from each other, and showcase their work.

By bringing together GIS experts from diverse backgrounds, GIS Day 2024 aims to foster a global dialogue on the role of GIS in addressing pressing issues such as climate change, sustainable development, and disaster management. It also serves as an occasion to inspire the next generation of GIS leaders and promote geospatial education and research.

Whether you are attending a local GIS Day event or participating online, GIS Day 2024 is an opportunity to connect with the global GIS community, celebrate the achievements of GIS technology, and explore the many ways GIS is shaping our world.

Celebrate GIS Technology

GIS Day 2024 is an occasion to celebrate the remarkable advancements and applications of GIS technology. GIS has revolutionized the way we understand and interact with the world around us, providing valuable insights and enabling informed decision-making in various fields.

GIS Day events worldwide showcase the diverse and innovative ways GIS technology is used to address real-world challenges. From mapping the spread of diseases to planning sustainable cities, from managing natural resources to responding to emergencies, GIS plays a vital role in making our world a better place.

GIS Day 2024 is an opportunity to recognize the contributions of GIS professionals who dedicate their expertise to developing and applying GIS technology. These professionals work tirelessly to push the boundaries of GIS innovation, expanding its capabilities and applications to meet the evolving needs of society.

By celebrating GIS technology, GIS Day 2024 aims to inspire the next generation of GIS experts and encourage more people to explore the vielfältig possibilities GIS offers. Whether you are a student, a researcher, or a professional in any field, GIS Day is an occasion to discover the transformative power of GIS and consider how you can use it to make a positive impact in your community and beyond.

Join the global GIS community in celebrating GIS Day 2024 and be part of the movement to harness the power of GIS technology for a better future.

Understand and Shape Our World

GIS technology plays a crucial role in helping us understand and shape our world in profound ways.

By collecting, storing, analyzing, and visualizing geospatial data, GIS provides us with a deeper understanding of the complex relationships between people, places, and the environment. This knowledge empowers us to make informed decisions about land use planning, infrastructure development, natural resource management, and disaster preparedness.

GIS also enables us to visualize and communicate complex spatial information in a clear and accessible manner. Maps, charts, and other GIS-generated visuals help us identify patterns, trends, and relationships that might otherwise be difficult to discern from raw data.

Furthermore, GIS technology is a powerful tool for collaboration and decision-making. By sharing geospatial data and maps, stakeholders from diverse backgrounds can work together to address common challenges and find mutually beneficial solutions. GIS helps bridge the gap between different disciplines and perspectives, fostering a more holistic and integrated approach to problem-solving.

By providing a comprehensive understanding of our world, GIS empowers us to make informed decisions, develop sustainable solutions, and shape a better future for generations to come.

Connect Professionals

GIS Day 2024 provides a unique opportunity for GIS professionals from diverse backgrounds to connect, share knowledge, and collaborate on innovative projects.

  • Networking and Collaboration:

    GIS Day events offer a platform for GIS professionals to network with peers, establish new connections, and build lasting collaborations. By sharing ideas, experiences, and best practices, GIS professionals can learn from each other and contribute to the advancement of the field.

  • Knowledge Sharing:

    GIS Day events feature presentations, workshops, and panel discussions led by experts in various GIS domains. These sessions provide opportunities for GIS professionals to stay updated on the latest trends, technologies, and applications of GIS, expanding their knowledge and skills.

  • Cross-Disciplinary Exchange:

    GIS Day brings together GIS professionals from diverse industries, government agencies, academia, and non-profit organizations. This cross-disciplinary exchange of ideas and perspectives fosters a more holistic understanding of GIS applications and promotes innovative solutions to complex challenges.

  • Mentorship and Career Development:

    GIS Day events often include mentorship programs and career development sessions, where experienced GIS professionals share their insights and guidance with early-career professionals and students. These interactions help foster the next generation of GIS leaders and contribute to the growth and sustainability of the GIS community.

By connecting GIS professionals from around the world, GIS Day 2024 strengthens the global GIS community, promotes collaboration, and drives innovation in the field of geographic information systems.

Inspire Future Geospatial Leaders

GIS Day 2024 aims to inspire the next generation of geospatial leaders who will drive innovation and shape the future of GIS technology and its applications.

GIS Day events worldwide feature activities and initiatives designed to engage students, young professionals, and aspiring GIS experts. These activities include:

  • GIS Competitions and Challenges:

    GIS Day competitions and challenges provide a platform for students and young professionals to showcase their GIS skills and creativity. These competitions encourage participants to explore the vielfältig possibilities of GIS and develop innovative solutions to real-world problems.

  • GIS Workshops and Training Sessions:

    GIS Day events often include workshops and training sessions that introduce students and young professionals to the basics of GIS technology. These sessions provide hands-on experience with GIS software and teach participants how to collect, analyze, and visualize geospatial data.

  • GIS Career Fairs and Networking Events:

    GIS Day events offer opportunities for students and young professionals to connect with GIS employers, learn about career paths in GIS, and explore internship and job opportunities. These events help bridge the gap between academia and the GIS industry, fostering a smooth transition for aspiring GIS professionals.

  • GIS Mentorship Programs:

    GIS Day events often feature mentorship programs that pair experienced GIS professionals with students and young professionals. These mentors provide guidance, support, and advice to help mentees navigate their GIS careers and achieve their professional goals.

By inspiring future geospatial leaders, GIS Day 2024 contributes to the growth and sustainability of the GIS community and ensures that the next generation of GIS professionals is equipped with the skills and knowledge needed to address the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century.

Promote Geospatial Education

GIS Day 2024 recognizes the importance of geospatial education in fostering a skilled and knowledgeable workforce that can meet the growing demand for GIS professionals.

GIS Day events worldwide include a variety of activities and initiatives aimed at promoting geospatial education at all levels:

  • GIS Workshops and Training Sessions for Educators:

    GIS Day events offer workshops and training sessions designed to equip educators with the skills and knowledge needed to integrate GIS into their teaching. These sessions cover topics such as GIS software, data acquisition, and lesson planning.

  • GIS Curriculum and Resource Sharing:

    GIS Day provides a platform for educators to share GIS curriculum, lesson plans, and teaching resources. This sharing of resources helps educators across the globe to incorporate GIS into their classrooms and engage students in meaningful learning experiences.

  • GIS Summer Camps and Programs for Students:

    Many GIS Day events feature summer camps and programs designed to introduce students to GIS technology and its applications. These programs provide hands-on experience with GIS software, field data collection, and map creation, sparking students’ interest in geospatial science and inspiring them to pursue careers in GIS.

  • GIS Scholarships and Awards for Students:

    GIS Day events often include scholarship programs and awards that recognize outstanding students in geospatial education. These scholarships and awards help support students’ continued education and encourage them to pursue advanced degrees in GIS and related fields.

By promoting geospatial education, GIS Day 2024 invests in the future of the GIS profession and ensures that the next generation of GIS professionals is equipped with the skills and knowledge needed to address the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century.

Showcase GIS Applications

GIS Day 2024 provides a platform to showcase the vielfältig applications of GIS technology across various industries and domains.

  • Natural Resource Management:

    GIS is used to map and analyze natural resources such as forests, water, and minerals. This information is crucial for sustainable resource management, conservation efforts, and environmental planning.

  • Urban Planning and Development:

    GIS helps urban planners design and manage cities, towns, and villages. GIS-based maps and models are used to analyze land use patterns, transportation networks, and infrastructure systems, enabling planners to make informed decisions about urban development.

  • Public Health and Epidemiology:

    GIS is a valuable tool for public health officials and epidemiologists. GIS-based maps can be used to track the spread of diseases, identify high-risk areas, and allocate resources effectively.

  • Emergency Management and Disaster Response:

    GIS plays a critical role in emergency management and disaster response. GIS-based maps and data help emergency responders assess the extent of damage, coordinate relief efforts, and allocate resources efficiently.

These are just a few examples of the vielfältig applications of GIS technology. GIS Day 2024 showcases the innovative and impactful ways GIS is used to address real-world challenges and improve our lives.


Do you have questions about GIS Day 2024?

Here are answers to some frequently asked questions:

Question 1: When is GIS Day 2024?

Answer: GIS Day 2024 will be celebrated on November 13th, 2024.

Question 2: What is the theme for GIS Day 2024?

Answer: The theme for GIS Day 2024 is “Mapping Our World.” This theme highlights the role of GIS technology in understanding and shaping our physical and digital worlds.

Question 3: How can I participate in GIS Day 2024?

Answer: There are many ways to participate in GIS Day 2024. You can attend local GIS Day events, participate in GIS competitions and challenges, or simply learn more about GIS technology and its applications.

Question 4: Where can I find GIS Day 2024 events?

Answer: Information about GIS Day 2024 events can be found on the GIS Day website and through local GIS user groups.

Question 5: What are some GIS Day 2024 activities for students?

Answer: Students can participate in GIS Day 2024 by attending GIS workshops and training sessions, joining GIS competitions and challenges, or exploring GIS-based educational resources.

Question 6: How can I get involved in GIS Day 2024 as an educator?

Answer: Educators can participate in GIS Day 2024 by attending GIS workshops and training sessions designed for educators, sharing GIS curriculum and resources, or organizing GIS-related activities for their students.

Question 7: How can I learn more about GIS technology?

Answer: There are many resources available to learn more about GIS technology, including online courses, books, and GIS software tutorials. You can also find GIS user groups and communities where you can connect with other GIS professionals and enthusiasts.

These are just a few of the frequently asked questions about GIS Day 2024. For more information, please visit the GIS Day website or contact your local GIS user group.

In addition to the FAQ, here are some tips to make the most of GIS Day 2024:


Here are some practical tips to make the most of GIS Day 2024:

1. Plan Ahead:

Check the GIS Day website and social media channels to find out about GIS Day events and activities in your area. Plan your participation in advance to ensure you don’t miss out on any exciting opportunities.

2. Attend GIS Day Events:

GIS Day events are a great way to learn more about GIS technology, connect with other GIS professionals and enthusiasts, and showcase your own GIS work. Attend local GIS Day events, workshops, conferences, and seminars to expand your knowledge and network.

3. Participate in GIS Challenges and Competitions:

Many GIS Day events feature GIS challenges and competitions that provide opportunities for participants to showcase their GIS skills and creativity. These challenges can range from mapping competitions to app development contests. Participating in these challenges is a fun and rewarding way to test your GIS skills and learn from others.

4. Share Your GIS Knowledge:

If you are a GIS professional or enthusiast, consider sharing your knowledge and expertise with others on GIS Day. You can do this by presenting at a GIS Day event, writing a blog post or article about GIS, or mentoring a student or young professional interested in GIS.

5. Explore GIS Resources:

GIS Day is a great opportunity to explore the many resources available to learn more about GIS technology. Visit the GIS Day website, browse GIS blogs and forums, and connect with GIS user groups to find tutorials, courses, and other resources that can help you expand your GIS skills and knowledge.

By following these tips, you can make the most of GIS Day 2024 and contribute to the growing GIS community.

GIS Day 2024 is a global celebration of the power of GIS technology. By participating in GIS Day events, sharing your knowledge, and exploring the vielfältig applications of GIS, you can help raise awareness about the importance of GIS and inspire the next generation of geospatial leaders.


GIS Day 2024 promises to be a remarkable event that showcases the transformative power of GIS technology in shaping our world. With its focus on “Mapping Our World,” GIS Day 2024 highlights the vital role GIS plays in understanding and addressing the complex challenges of our time.

GIS Day events worldwide provide opportunities for GIS professionals, educators, students, and enthusiasts to come together, share knowledge, and celebrate the achievements of GIS technology. By participating in GIS Day activities, you can contribute to the growing GIS community and inspire the next generation of geospatial leaders.

Whether you are a seasoned GIS professional or someone new to the field, GIS Day 2024 is an occasion to reflect on the remarkable progress GIS has made and to look forward to the exciting possibilities that lie ahead. As GIS technology continues to evolve and expand its applications, GIS Day serves as a reminder of the immense potential GIS holds in shaping a better future for all.

So, mark your calendars for November 13th, 2024, and join the global GIS community in celebrating GIS Day 2024. Together, let’s continue to explore the vielfältig possibilities of GIS and harness its power to make a positive impact on the world.

Happy GIS Day 2024!

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