PWBA 2024 Rulemaking Schedule: A Detailed Guide

PWBA 2024 Rulemaking Schedule: A Detailed Guide

The Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA) has released its 2024 rulemaking schedule, which outlines its priorities for regulatory changes in the coming year. The schedule is divided into three categories: long-term, mid-term, and short-term. Long-term projects are those that are expected to take more than a year to complete, while mid-term projects are expected to take between six and twelve months. Short-term projects are those that are expected to be completed within six months.

The 2024 schedule includes a number of significant changes to retirement plan rules. These changes are designed to improve the retirement security of American workers and to make it easier for employers to offer retirement plans. Some of the key changes include:

The following provides a more detailed look at each of these changes and their potential impact on retirement plans.

Pwba 2024 Schedule

The PWBA 2024 Rulemaking Schedule outlines the Employee Benefits Security Administration’s (EBSA) priorities for regulatory changes in the coming year.

  • Improved retirement security
  • Easier plan offering for employers
  • Increased access to retirement plans
  • Expanded coverage for part-time workers
  • Simplified plan administration

These changes are designed to help American workers save more for retirement and to make it easier for employers to offer retirement plans.

Improved retirement security

One of the key goals of the PWBA 2024 Schedule is to improve the retirement security of American workers. This will be done through a number of changes, including:

1. Expanding access to retirement plans: Many Americans do not have access to a retirement plan at work. The PWBA is working to change this by making it easier for small businesses to offer retirement plans and by expanding coverage to part-time workers.

2. Increasing retirement savings: Many Americans are not saving enough for retirement. The PWBA is working to change this by making it easier for workers to contribute to their retirement plans and by increasing the amount of money that employers are required to contribute.

3. Protecting retirement savings: Retirement savings can be vulnerable to a number of risks, such as market volatility and investment fraud. The PWBA is working to protect retirement savings by strengthening regulations and by providing more information to workers about how to protect their savings.

4. Helping retirees make the most of their savings: Many retirees do not know how to manage their retirement savings in a way that will provide them with a secure retirement income. The PWBA is working to change this by providing more information and resources to retirees about how to manage their savings and by making it easier for them to access their retirement benefits.

These changes are designed to help American workers save more for retirement, protect their retirement savings, and make the most of their savings in retirement.

Easier plan offering for employers

One of the key goals of the PWBA 2024 Schedule is to make it easier for employers to offer retirement plans. This will be done through a number of changes, including:

  • Simplified plan rules: The PWBA is working to simplify the rules for retirement plans, making it easier for employers to understand and comply with them.
  • Reduced costs: The PWBA is also working to reduce the costs of offering a retirement plan, making it more affordable for small businesses to offer a plan to their employees.
  • Increased access to multiple employer plans (MEPs): MEPs allow multiple employers to join together to offer a single retirement plan. This can make it easier for small businesses to offer a plan to their employees and can also reduce the costs of offering a plan.
  • New safe harbor rules for small businesses: The PWBA is creating new safe harbor rules that will make it easier for small businesses to offer a retirement plan without having to worry about violating complex regulations.

These changes are designed to make it easier and more affordable for employers to offer retirement plans to their employees. This will help more American workers save for retirement and achieve their retirement goals.

Increased access to retirement plans

One of the key goals of the PWBA 2024 Schedule is to increase access to retirement plans for all Americans. This will be done through a number of changes, including:

1. Expanding coverage to part-time workers: Many part-time workers do not have access to a retirement plan at work. The PWBA is working to change this by making it easier for employers to offer retirement plans to part-time workers.

2. Making it easier for small businesses to offer retirement plans: Many small businesses do not offer retirement plans to their employees because they find it too expensive or too complicated. The PWBA is working to change this by making it easier and more affordable for small businesses to offer retirement plans.

3. Creating new retirement savings options for workers who are not covered by a plan at work: Many workers do not have access to a retirement plan at work. The PWBA is working to create new retirement savings options for these workers, such as IRAs and automatic IRAs.

4. Encouraging more workers to participate in retirement plans: Many workers who have access to a retirement plan at work do not participate in the plan. The PWBA is working to encourage more workers to participate in retirement plans by providing more information about the benefits of saving for retirement and by making it easier for workers to contribute to their plans.

These changes are designed to make it easier for all Americans to save for retirement, regardless of their employment status or income level.

Expanded coverage for part-time workers

One of the key goals of the PWBA 2024 Schedule is to expand coverage for part-time workers. This will be done through a number of changes, including:

  • Making it easier for employers to offer retirement plans to part-time workers: The PWBA is working to make it easier for employers to offer retirement plans to part-time workers by simplifying the rules and reducing the costs of offering a plan.
  • Creating new safe harbor rules for part-time workers: The PWBA is creating new safe harbor rules that will make it easier for employers to offer retirement plans to part-time workers without having to worry about violating complex regulations.
  • Encouraging more part-time workers to participate in retirement plans: The PWBA is working to encourage more part-time workers to participate in retirement plans by providing more information about the benefits of saving for retirement and by making it easier for workers to contribute to their plans.
  • Working with states to expand coverage for part-time workers: The PWBA is working with states to expand coverage for part-time workers by encouraging states to adopt laws that make it easier for employers to offer retirement plans to part-time workers.

These changes are designed to make it easier for part-time workers to save for retirement and achieve their retirement goals.

Simplified plan administration

One of the key goals of the PWBA 2024 Schedule is to simplify plan administration for retirement plans. This will be done through a number of changes, including:

  • Streamlined reporting requirements: The PWBA is working to streamline the reporting requirements for retirement plans, making it easier for employers to comply with the reporting requirements.
  • Reduced paperwork: The PWBA is also working to reduce the amount of paperwork that is required to administer a retirement plan.
  • Improved online tools and resources: The PWBA is developing new online tools and resources to help employers administer their retirement plans.
  • Increased access to expert advice: The PWBA is working to increase access to expert advice for employers who have questions about administering their retirement plans.

These changes are designed to make it easier for employers to administer their retirement plans, which will save them time and money.


The following are some frequently asked questions about the PWBA 2024 Schedule:

Question 1: What is the PWBA 2024 Schedule?
Answer 1: The PWBA 2024 Schedule is a list of the Employee Benefits Security Administration’s (EBSA) priorities for regulatory changes in 2024.

Question 2: What are the key goals of the PWBA 2024 Schedule?
Answer 2: The key goals of the PWBA 2024 Schedule are to improve retirement security, make it easier for employers to offer retirement plans, increase access to retirement plans, expand coverage for part-time workers, and simplify plan administration.

Question 3: How will the PWBA 2024 Schedule improve retirement security?
Answer 3: The PWBA 2024 Schedule will improve retirement security by expanding access to retirement plans, increasing retirement savings, protecting retirement savings, and helping retirees make the most of their savings.

Question 4: How will the PWBA 2024 Schedule make it easier for employers to offer retirement plans?
Answer 4: The PWBA 2024 Schedule will make it easier for employers to offer retirement plans by simplifying plan rules, reducing costs, increasing access to multiple employer plans (MEPs), and creating new safe harbor rules for small businesses.

Question 5: How will the PWBA 2024 Schedule increase access to retirement plans?
Answer 5: The PWBA 2024 Schedule will increase access to retirement plans by expanding coverage to part-time workers, making it easier for small businesses to offer retirement plans, creating new retirement savings options for workers who are not covered by a plan at work, and encouraging more workers to participate in retirement plans.

Question 6: How will the PWBA 2024 Schedule simplify plan administration?
Answer 6: The PWBA 2024 Schedule will simplify plan administration by streamlining reporting requirements, reducing paperwork, improving online tools and resources, and increasing access to expert advice.

Question 7: When will the changes in the PWBA 2024 Schedule go into effect?
Answer 7: The changes in the PWBA 2024 Schedule will go into effect throughout 2024. Some changes may go into effect sooner than others.

For more information about the PWBA 2024 Schedule, please visit the EBSA website.


Here are a few tips for employers and employees regarding the PWBA 2024 Schedule:

Tip 1: Employers should start planning now for the changes in the PWBA 2024 Schedule.
Employers should review the changes in the PWBA 2024 Schedule and start planning now for how they will comply with the new requirements. This may involve making changes to their retirement plans, updating their policies and procedures, or seeking professional advice.

Tip 2: Employees should take advantage of the new opportunities to save for retirement.
Employees should take advantage of the new opportunities to save for retirement that are created by the PWBA 2024 Schedule. This may involve increasing their contributions to their retirement plan, participating in a new retirement savings program, or opening an IRA.

Tip 3: Employers and employees should work together to make retirement planning a priority.
Employers and employees should work together to make retirement planning a priority. Employers can do this by offering retirement plans and educating employees about the benefits of saving for retirement. Employees can do this by taking advantage of the retirement savings opportunities that are available to them and by making retirement savings a part of their financial plan.

Tip 4: Employers and employees should stay informed about the latest developments in retirement planning.
Employers and employees should stay informed about the latest developments in retirement planning. This may involve reading articles and blog posts about retirement planning, attending webinars and seminars on retirement planning, or talking to a financial advisor about retirement planning.

Closing Paragraph for Tips:
By following these tips, employers and employees can make the most of the opportunities created by the PWBA 2024 Schedule and improve their retirement security.

The PWBA 2024 Schedule is a significant step forward in improving retirement security for American workers. By working together, employers and employees can make the most of the opportunities created by the PWBA 2024 Schedule and achieve their retirement goals.


The PWBA 2024 Schedule is a significant step forward in improving retirement security for American workers. The changes in the schedule are designed to make it easier for employers to offer retirement plans, increase access to retirement plans, expand coverage for part-time workers, and simplify plan administration. These changes will make it easier for American workers to save for retirement and achieve their retirement goals.

The PWBA 2024 Schedule is a positive step forward for retirement security in the United States. By working together, employers and employees can make the most of the opportunities created by the PWBA 2024 Schedule and improve their retirement security.

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